
Mrs. Conrow’s Religion

In eighth grade we study Church history from the earliest Christians through how the Church influences us today. Students will focus on Jesus’ message and how the earliest Christians shared the good news, how early Church teachings formed a community that still bonds us together today, the worship of God through the Sacraments, putting their faith into action, and how to live out our faith in our daily lives. We will study the liturgical seasons as they occur throughout the school year and infuse prayer into our days.

Father Brad comes every Monday to teach a lesson to the eighth graders. His lessons are engaging and interactive. Father Brad helps students reflect on their lives and how to become the best versions of themselves. He includes sessions where he lets the students ask him any questions they want answered by a priest.

Service is an integral part of our Saint Luke community identity, as the third piece of our mission statement. We seek to live out our faith in Jesus through tangible acts of service in our community. MYP students are asked to complete 15 service hours each trimester.

Click here for a link to the grade 8 religion overview.
Click here for the service hour log for grade 8.