Helpful Links

MYP Weekly Assignment Planner 2021.   MYP Weekly Assignment Template   Print and use to track daily assignments.  Use the calendar pages to record due dates, test dates, and plan for long term assignments.

Helpful Links with MAP scores      You’ve seen your student’s MAP scores.  Now what?  Khan Academy will allow you to use your child’s scores to generate personalized study recommendations.

IB Grading  IB focuses on assessing at what level students are achieving.  Students are graded on a scale of 1-8.  Each academic area students will be assessed at least twice for each of the 4 Criterion: A, B, C, and D.

Science   MYP Year 1 Science Criterion

Math   MYP Math decoded     MYP 1 Math Criterion

Academic Plan    Please use this academic plan as a guide for student expectations and my grading policies. 6th grade academic plan