
The aim of MYP assessment is to support and encourage student learning. The MYP places an emphasis on assessment processes that involve the gathering and analysis of information about student performance and that provide timely feedback to students on their performance. MYP assessment plays a significant role in the development of Approaches To Learning Skills, especially skills that are closely related to subject-group objectives. The MYP approach to assessment recognizes the importance of assessing not only the products but also the process of learning.

In summary, when creating MYP units, teachers must ensure that assessments:

  • are integral to the learning process
  • are aligned with subject-group objectives
  • gather information from a variety of perspectives, using a range of tasks according to the needs of the subject and the nature of the knowledge, skills, and understanding being assessed
  • are appropriate to the age group and reflect the development of the students within the subject
  • provide evidence of student understanding through authentic performance (not simply the recall of factual knowledge).

Communication of student achievement in an IB program incorporates the use of rubrics, a scale of 1/8 that reflects student performance on subject-specific objectives.  Rubrics are an integral part of each unit as they help students reflect on their understandings of content. Rubrics are also used for student reflection and for goal setting.

St. Luke School Grading Scale – Grades 6-8

The purpose of the numerical grading scale is to communicate progress and achievements to students and their parents. Information from several types of student’s performance may be included in the grades that a student earns. These could include assessments, written assignments, projects, homework, quizzes, daily work, and class participation. IB rubrics are used on many assignments and assessments and are converted to traditional numerical grades in Powerschool for purposes of reporting.

These all give an indication of the understanding and skill that a student is gaining in an academic subject. The grade a student achieves in a subject will be determined by their performance on the items noted above.

MYP Achievement Level to Traditional Percent Grade Conversion

MYP Achievement LevelPowerschool Percentage% Letter Grade
8100%93-100% A
67-69.9 D+
260%60-63.9 D-
0Below 50%